Caves of Pastena, discoveries in 1926 from the baron Charles Franchetti
and made tourist to already have departed since 1927, they are enumerated
among the most greater complex speleologici of our peninsula. The area in which I/you/they are situated one results of the most picturesque of the Ciociaria, where the inclemency of the geologic events has determined the formation of a typical landscape, comparable to the Carso Friuliano, eccentric forms of erosion and tied up lowlands to ancient lakes carsici. The tourist run, that articulates among an inferior active branch, where it flows an underground river and a branch superior fossil, rich of soccer concretions, show environments of particular interest, only for majesty and mystery. The stupendous caves of Pastena must surely be enumerated among the more meaningful natural resources of the province of Frosinone, both for the majesty and the mystery of the sceneries, and for the extension of the ramifications. Since 1926 the Caves of Pastena constitute a continuous and constant call for so many visitors, inclined not only from the passion for the naturalism but also from the curiosity to see stalactites and stalagmites in beautiful composition, set after all to a verdant valley and a country away from the great streets of comunicazione,e, therefore, still onlier and characteristic. Any pen can describe the beauty and the oneness of the Caves of Pastena. Every thing is after all, notably next to what introduces him to the eyes of the visitor. Stalactites and stalagmites in beautiful succession create emotions and suggestions not to end. The active branch is long 2200 meters it is it represents the underground run of the stream that him “ingrotta” in the territory of Pastena with the name of Ledger Ditch and risorge in the territory of Falvaterra with the name of Rio Obaco, after having received the contributed of numerous perennial underground sources in such way that the presence of waters is also insured in the summer period. The branch has been explored for the first time in the 1966 graces to the work of one among the first Italian speleosubs, the geologist Rich Lamberto Ferri, which, young, he/she succeeded in violating the 7 siphons of the system disclosing its complex structure of it. Subsequently the 7 siphons were eliminated or bypassati, except that central, and today, with a simple equipment speleologica, is possible to visit the whole line. The run that introduces him to the speleologist, departing from the tourist entry of Pastena, it is rather articulated, with a succession of little ponds, easy to overcome with simple rowboats, and draws on the edges of the bed of the stream formed by gravels, sands and slime afoot. In the first sector, up to the siphon, sets to around 1 kilometer from Pastena, the section it is rather elliptic and, to lines, few ample; the concrezionamento is often not present and party from continuous troubles tied to the floods rich in clay and slime with signs of erosion and deposits of Red Earths. Overcome the siphon, in the second long sector over a kilometer, the cave almost opens initially with a section rectangular and then to flame, with greater heights always of the roof, up to 20 meters, with a concrezionamento of stalactites and curtains more evident and less disturbed by the action of the water. On the left, to around one hundred meters from the limit of the “long lake”, the beautiful concretion of the is admired “weeping willows” or of the “jellyfish”, it follows a deprived zone of concretions evident, but particularly suggestive for the presence of gorges and bancate of whitish limestone. The final part of the Cave shows all of its majesty with overlap of ancient branches fossils, said “abandoned meander”, diffused concrezionamento and in fast growth, with a series of falls and rapidses that riempiono of din the whole dark atmosphere of the cave. The rare forms of life are represented, over that from accidental animals as the toads and the frogs, from aquatic bugs, from salamanders and bats; these last ones it seems they already populated this sector before the opening of the siphons, some skeletons I/you/they have been found, in fact, buried in the concretions calcitiche. In the zone of risorgenza, being still also foresees the old siphon, deep 20 meters, the outside is accessed passing through galleries on purpose dug on to end some years 70 to allow an easy outflow of the waters of flood. traslate L&H Power Traslator |