The demonstration is
so extraordinary that he holds opportune to list its principal elements:
It applies on May 3 day devoted mother Julia of the emperor Costantino
that the Cross found again Saint, that did her/it close in a case box of
chiseled silver to S.Elena Flavia. A part of the Saint Cross was
expeditious to Jerusalem, another piece it was given as a present in Rome,
to the church from her founded "Saint Cross in Jerusalem".
Also Pastena had a bit of the Sacred Wood for interest of the marquises
Casale of the Dragon, once feudal of the country.
And' he who represent
the community in the carrying out of the religious celebrations, in all of
their duration.
It deals with a heifer of few months that recalls to the mind the
simbologia of the "sacrifice". On April 1° the Ledger one of Party does
her/it bless on the sacrato of the church and free is left for the fields.
The farmers when they see her/it they make him the sign of the cross,
considering that presence as a benediction. On May 1° is sacrificed and
its meats are distributed to all those people who have contributed to the
realization of the festivity.
On April 15 an errand
"it looks for May" formed by a group of men, it goes out to the search of
the most beautiful and tallest tree, usually a cypress. after the choice
the Ledger one of Party marks the tree with a cross engraved in the bark
of the trunk, and from that moment the region and the ground it is known
where he will cut the May. Any owner of the plant is ever opposed to the
To house of the
Ledger one of Party on April 15 begins the preparation of the sweets, that
you/they will be consumed during the celebrations. The women
uninterruptedly work, day and night giving himself/herself/itself the
change, there will be a table always prepared to disposition of all those
people that you/they want to go to bring "the scerpa" (offered that you/he/she
is served as the whole population to the Ledger one of Party and it
generally consists in products that for the preparation of the sweets are
needed), in change a pouch of sweets is offered with an immaginetta of the
S.S.Croce. The characteristic sweets are the ciambellonis that will be
delivered to all the employees.
Men's group provided
of rifles that shoot salutes hits during the demolition, the drawing and
the raising of May.
"To the dawn Of April 30,
Times 6.30"
You develops the ceremony of the "Cut of May". The rite begins with to
approach himself/herself/themselves on the place; to announce the
beginning, is a festive ringing of the bells, accompanied by long
sequences of shots of the fire crackers and the fucilieris. Also in this
occasion the Ledger one of Party has the principal role. In fact, to the
arrival, it kneels next to the tree together with the priest and the
presents to recite the "Litanies", prayers that always finish with the
invocation "hurray the SS.Croce", dopodichè will be always him to give the
first hit of ax to the tree, they will follow, then, other hits given by
the employees to the cut. After the demolition it follows prunes her/it
some branches. Also the sacred vitella adorned of mantle and red ribbons
with a small cross on the forehead is on the place together with the oxen
that will have to haul the tree, the everything after one has happened it
counts for the drawing of the first cattlemen, that you/they will have to
attach the couple of oxen helped on the before with a rope. The procession
of people and livestock, with to head the vitella unthreads for going
himself/herself/themselves before the midday to the curve of the cemetery
of the country. Here the Ledger one of Party offers sandwiches, sweets and
drinks atutti the presents. At the 12.00 he leaves again for reaching Door
Naples in the country and to leave him/it in standstill up to the evening.
And' the most suggestive moment of the whole party. Does the Priest bring
him in silence with in hand the wood crucifix in which the relic of the
SS.Croce is set, pours the house of the ledger one of party that is
absorbed in the dark, blow on the door one before and second time without
getting answer, the third time the Ledger one of Party asks "who is? " the
priest answers "You Holy Cross that comes to visit you" to this point the
door opens and they ignites the lights of the house. The Ledger one of
Party welcomes the SS.Croce up to May 3. Almost contemporarily the
transport of May happens in plaza that is found firm before the town
building, accompanied from it howls and shots to incite the buoi.
"1° May"
The trunk with axes and pialle is polished up for smoothing him/it while
the top is decorated with a bunch of brooms with in mean a wood cross to
symbolize the Cross of Jesus. Then you/he/she is raised and hoisted in the
special space, always to the presence of the sacred vitella that is
sacrificed in the same afternoon.
The solemn mass is
followed by the procession with a statue of the protecting SS.Croce of the
country and a crowd of people it accompanies him for all the streets of
the country singing its hymn. The reggitoris of the baldacco, with the
priest and the reggitoris of the throne with the ciambellone to the arm
they are followed by the Ledger one of Party, the mayor with the tricolor
band and the on civil authority of the country. The all is accompanied by
numerous shots that make to tremble of emotion the presents.
The competition
develops him among young boys of the, the tree you/he/she is sprinkled of
fat therefore they have to polish up him/it with rags and ash to be able
to arrive to her/it peak and to withdraw the gifts that consist in the by
now famous bun with a cross of pasta worked to the center, liqueurs, meats.
It is money.
At the 19.00 the
priest goes him in procession to house of the Ledger one of Party to take
back the relic of the SS.Croces and to bring her/it in the church, where
you/he/she will follow the mass of the possession. The Ledger one of Party
uscente receives in hand from the priest a turned on candle and passes him/it
to its successor that responsibility is taken on, for the celebrations of
the following year. And' this the moment that possession is defined! The
ceremony concludes him and the new Ledger of Party offers a refreshment to
all the presents. The evening and the celebrations to the SS.Croce are
concluded with musical diversions and fires of artifice.
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