Pastena is a town of
the province of Frosinone, to 318 m. above sea level, to half road among
the streets Appia and Casilina,
on a hill astride two fertile alluvial valleys. The Caves, one of the
complex more important and suggestive speleologicis of our peninsula, are
found here, in a territory surrounded from hills and from woody mountains,
to the extreme limit of the Ausonis toward the Auruncis. The suburb has
very remote origins. His/her constitution in castle or strengthened
village, from documents it results happened in the XI century but more
recent searches (ved.D.Grossi, Pastena of Ciociaria), they do him/it
probably go up again around halves the year 800, or rather to the epoch of
the appropriation of the Saracens near the Garigliano. One surrounded of
650 meters boundaries, almost entirely preserved, with his/her round and
square towers (they have remained 25 15 of it native)
testimony still long live of the ancient origins of this "castellum quod
appellatur Pastina", always according to the documents. Already from his/her
nome,deverbale of "pastinare" (to cultivate), he/she is inferred that
Pastena has been for a long time a village of agriculturists. During his/her
esistenza,tuttavia,he taken part of necessità,anche if not always of first
floor to the dramatic stories that marked these zones between the
Tyrrhenian sea and the Green river especially in the first millennium (Lid),
among the powerful
kingdoms followed him, of Norman, Sevi, Angiomi, Aragonese and Borboni and
the not less influential dominion of the State of the Church in Rome.
Pastena, in fact, had the fate to be territory of frontier among "the
Kingdom, of the two Sicilies" of which did part and the pontifical
dominion of the various epoches of temporal power. It is certainly thimble
position it heard again during the centuries up to the last world conflict,
in which was found to be rear of the front of Cancels where the notes
tormented stories in the winter 1943-44 they were developed, for which
also this small center suffered bombardments destructive and other
calamities. Don't say then any notable tragedies sofferte,sempre for the
same reason to be earth of border, during the terrible malavitoso period
of the post-unitary brigandage. Previously actually to 1591, Pastena was
pertinence of the Dukedom and County of Funds, as to say some families
Caetani, Gonzaga, Column and Of the Aquila. For 1600 big part it becomes
feud of the barons Patriarch, one of which it has the sepulchral monument
in the church-mother of the country; and toward the 1700 of the marquise
Casali Di the Dragon, noble Roman of which doesn't preserve him more
concrete memory, which closed the series of the nominal dominions of the
some of these phases Pastena suffered the influence of the power of the
abbey of Montecassino and the stories that you/they touched to it. In
1799, invisa to the French giacobinis that did foolish of the whole zone,
understood ivi the abbey of Montecassino, also Pastena came from these
attacked and burnt. Then it returned to be under the Kingdom of the Two
Sicilies. Since then, also for the influence of Among Devil - that a sort
of viceroy was become in the zone - it felt more and more him tied up to
Naples, and not only because facente departs of the province of Earth of
Job. So much that sinanche in the Bonapartist epoch and murattiana of the
first ones of the 800 Pastena came more and more consolidating himself/herself/itself
as a country of clear die borbonico and to his/her clerical way. There is
how much enough for an indefinite certain historical layout not on which
to found a some appreciation for this that a small was defined and set
apart village. From some years the population of this center has left the
old suburb and is returned for the most greater part to the ancient
installations scattered in the regions of
country, now modernized and comforting, beyond the historians boundaries.
Nevertheless it in the suburb returns to every day of party and in the
important traditional recurrences whose rites preserve unusual suggestions
and meanings. These recurrences fall for the more in May and they almost
entirely develop him on the principal plaza, near the Collegiate church
whose native architectural nucleus surely goes up again to preceding epoch
thousand, and whose manifold remaking, posterio ri, if it were for the
documents that prove him/it, they do as soon as to appear on the surface
to the common observation the ancient inside structures. These were
preserved in their integrity, up to the first halves our seco him.
a lot of of those vestigias have gone completely lost. Another church that
still preserves the imprint of the noblest spent epoches is that of Saint
Maria of the Park, risalente to preceding years 1500, but whose
particularity consists in the valuable façade of local stone, you waited
for in more recent epoch, around the second halves the XVII century. And'
a work of illustrious teachers deriving scalpellini perhaps from
the Casertano, but it is magistrally also drawn with calls berniniani and
of the best Baroque. This to demonstration of a past not so much humble,
as for so much time you/he/she is wanted to make to believe. For more
Pastena in this century you/he/she has undertaken a new walk, of which
first footsteps are seen still: you/he/she
has discovered his/her most authentic boast: that superb, grandiose
natural casket that Caves. To not only consider for the tourist importance
that the complex goes assuming more and more for the country and for the
whole region, but above all as protagonists of first floor, what they have
always been in the history of the country, for their specification and
irreplaceable function of behavior of unloading of the espluvis coming
from the two principal valleys, in which the whole agricultural economy
pastenese assembles him.
traslate L&H Power
